La República Dominicana ha anunciado planes para deportar hasta 10,000 migrantes haitianos indocumentados por semana, citando un 'exceso' de inmigrantes en el país. La medida se produce mientras el gobierno dominicano expresa frustración por la lenta respuesta de la comunidad internacional ante la creciente violencia de pandillas e inestabilidad en el vecino Haití. La administración del presidente Luis Abinader argumenta que la afluencia de migrantes haitianos está abrumando los recursos del país, lo que ha llevado a la necesidad de deportaciones masivas. La decisión ha generado preocupaciones sobre los derechos humanos y el trato de los migrantes durante el proceso de deportación.
This is a heartbreaking and dangerous approach that ignores the root causes of why so many Haitians are fleeing their country in the first place. Instead of mass deportations, the Dominican Republic and the international community should be focusing on providing humanitarian aid and addressing the crisis in Haiti.
The Dominican government has every right to protect its borders and manage immigration as it sees fit, especially if it feels its resources are being overwhelmed. That said, it’s important they respect individual liberties and ensure due process for those being deported.
La República Dominicana deportará hasta 10,000 haitianos por semana, citando un 'exceso' de inmigrantes.
The Dominican Republic announced Wednesday that it would start massive deportations of Haitians living illegally in the country, expelling up to 10,000 of them
República Dominicana 'deportará hasta 10,000 migrantes por semana'
The Dominican Republic says it plans to deport up to 10,000 undocumented migrants a week to combat uncontrolled migration. The plan was announced by President Luis Abinader's spokesman, Homero Figueroa, who blamed the international community's slow response to months of gang violence in neighbouring Haiti and its failure to restore stability.
República Dominicana deportará hasta 10,000 haitianos por semana, citando un 'exceso' de inmigrantes.
The Dominican Republic announced Wednesday that it would start massive deportations of Haitians living illegally in the country, expelling up to 10,000 of them a week.