In 2011 the level of public spending on the welfare state by the British Government accounted for £113.1 billion, or 16% of government. By 2020 welfare spending will rise to 1/3rd of all spending making it the largest expense followed by housing benefit, council tax benefit, benefits to the unemployed, and benefits to people with low incomes.
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More. We should raise the minimum wage to a beginner's living wage and only provide welfare to those who are incapable of working and for up to 6 months in between jobs. People with repairable conditions should be actively getting treatment and doing all that they can to support themselves. The government should find ways besides direct funding from the government to help people get treatment when they can't afford it. For example, they can ask people to donate to charity, do crowdsourcing and crowdfunding, and hire a paid or unpaid (volunteer) worker to find ways to make money for the person, such as through GoFundMe.
Privatize social security and eliminate other welfare benefits
Emphasize health coverage benefits. There should not be tens of millions of uninsured American citizens under any circumstances.
More, and abolish some welfare programs.
More. We should raise the minimum wage to a beginner's living wage and only provide welfare to those who are incapable of working. People with repairable conditions should be actively getting treatment and doing all that they can to support themselves. The government should find ways besides direct funding from the government to help people get treatment when they can't afford it. For example, they can ask people to donate to charity, do crowdsourcing and crowdfunding, and hire a paid or unpaid (volunteer) worker to find ways to make money for the person, such as through GoFundMe.
Fewer, and progressively provide aid according to need to ensure a smooth transition off of welfare
Repeal and replace with UBI
More, do drug test and give it to immigrants that pay taxes
The government should only subsidize individuals who are unable to work.
I don't think restrictions should be made. However, there should be a time cap put on the program. The program should be used to get back on your feet, not to live off of for the rest of your life.
The federal government should not be providing welfare benefits. This should be a State or Private issue.
More, and eliminate illegally resident aliens from benefits.